先試一下“Speed Dial”。。。

假定你美國OBI202(device A)號碼(OBi Number)是222222221

假定你中國OBI110(device B)號碼(OBi Number)是222222222

1. Speed Dial from A to B:

a) go to your OBiTALK website and select your OBi device A

b) click "Speed Dials" bellow OBi Dashboard

c) select an empty Speed Dial Settings (say ID# 3), type in a name (say,

Device B), type in number as **9222222222 (i.e., **9 and then device B OBi number)

d) save changes

Now when you dial "3#" from your device A, device B should ring.

2. Speed Dial from B to A:

follow the same procedure, reverse A and B

To use another device as an exchange, you need to add another the device to Circle of Trust (or Trusted Circle)
