前言: 4月9日,微軟正式停止對Windows XP操作係統的技術支持,將不會針對該係統發布任何更新修補漏洞,包括Office2003的技術支持、係統和補丁更新。微軟Windows XP退役知多少,一起來看!
Although the operating system is more than 12 years old, and Windows XP computers haven't been shipped since 2010, there are still millions of them in use. Gartner estimates that as much as 25 percent of Windows PCs in the workplace are running XP. Consumers tend to be even slower in upgrading.
盡管Windows XP係統已服役12年多了,並且從2010年起就不再生產搭載Windows XP係統的電腦了,但使用這一係統的人仍然很多。美國谘詢公司高德納預計,世界25%的辦公用電腦仍然使用XP係統,而消費者更新係統的速度似乎更慢。
Microsoft Corp. is pushing remaining XP owners to upgrade to a newer operating system, such as Windows 7 or 8. It will still be possible to use existing Windows XP computers after Microsoft retires it Tuesday, but that comes with risks.
微軟公司一直在推動XP係統的用戶把電腦更新為Win7或Win8係統。盡管微軟公司周二宣布Windows XP係統正式退役,但現有的Windows XP係統仍然可以繼續使用,然而因為沒有了微軟的支持、使用XP將麵臨許多風險。
Here's a guide to the risks and your options.
Q. What happens on Wednesday?
A. That's the day Windows XP reaches what Microsoft calls "end of support."
答:這一天微軟宣布,Windows XP係統正式“退役”了。
You'll still be able to run XP computers and install past updates. If you need to reinstall XP from scratch, you can do so if you still have the discs that came with your computer.
Q. If XP will still run, why do I need to upgrade?
A. A big reason is security. Hackers know Microsoft will no longer fix security flaws, so evil-doers have extra incentive to look for them. In addition, if a flaw is found for Windows 7 or 8, there's a good chance a similar issue exists for XP as well. So when the fixes come out for Windows 7 or 8, hackers can go back to XP to look for an opening.
There are also performance issues. If you buy a new printer or scanner, it might not work on XP. Same goes for new software, particularly if it needs faster processors and more memory beyond what was standard in XP's heyday. XP also lacks features that are common with newer operating systems, including energy-saving measures for laptops.
Q. What are my options for upgrading?
A. You can upgrade to Windows 7 or 8 by buying a disc. You will need to back up your files and have discs for any programs you may have installed, as upgrading requires completely wiping your hard drive and starting from scratch. Microsoft sells Windows 8 as an upgrade for $120; be sure to buy the DVD version and not the download.
Q. My XP computer works fine and fits my needs —and I don't want to spend money on an upgrade or a new machine. What should I do?
A. First, be sure to run all of Microsoft's previously released updates, plus the last one on Wednesday.
Then think about what you really need the computer for. If you don't need an Internet connection, unplug it. That will minimize the risk. Be careful about attaching USB storage drives, as that might introduce malicious software. If you need the Internet, refrain from using email, Facebook and other communications channels through which malicious software might travel. Use a tablet, phone or another computer instead.
Q. Why is Microsoft doing this?
A. As technology improves, it makes less sense to support something designed a PC generation or two ago. The company's resources are better spent on making newer products better.