AMD A8-4555M advantages
Intel Core i5-3317U advantages
A8-4555M vs i5-3317U specifications comparison
The charts below compare the most important i5-3317U and AMD A8-4555M characteristics. These features, along with an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a processor performs. The "Number of cores / threads" graph displays the number of cores (darker area). Lighter area on the graph represents the number of additional threads, offered by Hyper-Threading technology. The "Operating frequency" chart uses dark color to represent base frequency, while lighter area is for extra frequency, provided by Turbo feature. Darker area on the "On-chip cache" graph is for the On-chip L2 cache. Lighter area is for the L3 cache cache. Although the L3 cache cache is usually larger than the On-chip L2 cache, it is always slower.
Higher is better
Higher is better
Higher is better
Lower is better
Detailed side by side comparison of AMD A8-4555M vs Intel Core i5-3317U specs can be found in the "Specifications" tab.
Pros and Cons summary
A8-4555M | Core i5-3317U | |
General recommendations:
More cores for better multi-threading performance,
Features FMA3 / XOP instructions |
General recommendations:
Clocked higher,
Somewhat lower power |
Drawbacks: Operating frequency is lower,
Higher power consumption |
Drawbacks: Has fewer CPU cores,
Lacks some instructions |
Similar processors
A8-4555M | Core i5-3317U | |
Similar microprocessors use the same socket and architecture as A8-4555M and Core i5-3317U, but their performance and other characteristics are slightly different.