1. 上VoIP.ms注冊個賬戶,交錢(VoIP.ms一次最少25美刀),記下user name, password, voip server,比如說
user: 123456
password: pswd_slow_quick
server: losangeles.voip.ms (有許多可選,就選靠近的那個)
leave the portal/home page open so you can see if your OBi100 is registered with VoIP.ms in the next
2. login to OBiTalk, click the OBi100 icon in "My OBi Endpoints", In Configure Service Provider Accounts, select voip.ms (or your choice, or if not in the list, Generic Service Provider), fill in the information, submit.
Go back to the portal/home page of VoIP.ms to confirm that your device is talking to VoIP.ms server (will show registered device)
3. Make a test phone call: **2 followed by phone number (say, 01186xxx...)
If you do not want to mess with the device configuration, stop here. You can dial international with **2 followed by 001+country code+...
If you want to get your hands dirty:
4. Now the fun part:
login to OBiTalk again, click the OBi100 icon in "My OBi Endpoints" to get into configuration,
Click OBi Expert Configuration, then Enter OBi Expert,
look for Phone OutboundCallRout, uncheck OBiTalk Settings, and then in the value field, add the following at the beginning of existing string
Do not miss the last ",".
It means, if the dialed number starts with 011, followed by three or more digits, dial out using SP2 (service provider 2).
Submit the change. If you messed up, don'w worry, click on Clear Changes or Revert All to OBiTalk Settings.
Thanks so much -- man, you are the expert!
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06/27/2013 postreply
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06/27/2013 postreply
It works! I can call China with Rynga for fee now. Thanks a mill
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06/27/2013 postreply
I mean "for free". Thanks a millon!
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06/27/2013 postreply
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06/27/2013 postreply
Using Rynga
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06/27/2013 postreply
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06/27/2013 postreply