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來源: halfdummy 2013-01-09 10:42:11 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (6739 bytes)

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Can Someone Track you on WiFi?

I don't have internet at home so i go to the library with my laptop to get on the wifi there. But i'm really paranoid, so i'm wondering can the library track what i look at on my laptop. And if you can can you give me a website so that i can learn more about wifi in general. I like to now what i'm on. Thanks in advance.

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Answers (5)

  • Answerer 1

  • Answerer 2

    If your library requires you to login, they can track activity to you. If it's an open connection, they will only have access to your computer name (and the ip address that they assigned you).
  • Answerer 3

    Public Wi-Fi systems aren't able to store internet history/cookies on their network with a router alone. The only internet browsing information that gets stored is stored on your computer that you browse on. Our computers have built in firewalls that block other connections from secretly connecting, protecting us from unwanted invaders. I'll sometimes find connections around my neighborhood and snatch wireless just to check my emails and such ;).

    But yes, if they have computers provided to you in the library, chances are they have some type of client that monitors your activity.
  • Answerer 4

    um normal people no. but people that know stuff about computer like lots of stuff, like ppl that work for the Gov. sometimes they can. ur safe in the lib.
  • Answerer 5

    yes, if you are in windows.
    If you boot into ubuntu via bootable cd and connect to a wifi point that way you are untraceable for the most part.

    Also you can connect via proxy or setup your own proxy dummy box on an open wifi network and tunnel through that box.


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