unlocked iphone 3gs - Restore or not?

I just bought this used iphone 3GS for my boy, it works fine with T-mobile prepaid card. But when I try connect it with iTunes, the only choice is Restore (to original settings).  Software version 4.0.1  Serial number 85030861EDG

If I click Restore, will it remain unlocked?  Admit I am iLiterate. 


Strange. You need to tell more. -wooddiy- 給 wooddiy 發送悄悄話 wooddiy 的博客首頁 (726 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 07:28:28

回複:Strange. You need to tell more. -jaydad- 給 jaydad 發送悄悄話 jaydad 的博客首頁 (311 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 17:58:08
