請教:用外網地址觀看控製室內Wifi IP Camera
1.家裏cisco router(無線連接 Wifi IP Camera。我用自己電腦(鍵入此Camera網址(,或者電腦的外網地址(96.55.382.51),觀看遙控Camera,都行。
On cicso router, there must some configuration which redirects HTTP port (96.55.382.51:8080 for example) to
2。Camera移動到頂樓,cisco 信號夠不上,我用一個便攜Tenda router(網址上麵印明192.168.2.1),設在“Wan media type”作為放大信號用。Camera再和它連(。電腦此時和Tenda router連(電腦是192.168.2.3),可以觀看Camera。
If you connect computer to cisco router, can you see the camera? If both routers are configured properly (as they both support WDS), you should be able to see.
但此時用外網地址觀看Camera就不行。為什麽???Try to configure cicso router to redirect HTTP port (96.55.382.51:8080 for example) to