對:不完全, 忒長了, 現在 一鍋端給你了:

回答: 不完全mc33612012-04-20 17:02:33





#W374 Digital signature verification was skipped for a file being registered ("C:\WINDOWS\System32\dssenh.dll"). 

#-290 Processing REGISTERDLLS section [CryptoDlls]. Binary: "%11%\initpki.dll", flags: 0x0001, timeout: 600s.

#W374 Digital signature verification was skipped for a file being registered ("C:\WINDOWS\System32\initpki.dll"). 

[2002/01/01 00:55:09 284.16]

#-199 Executing "C:\WINDOWS\system32\setup.exe" with command line: setup -newsetup

#I140 Installing device class: "1394" {6BDD1FC1-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}.

#I141 Class install completed with no errors.

[2002/01/01 00:55:10 284.18]

#-199 Executing "C:\WINDOWS\system32\setup.exe" with command line: setup -newsetup

#I140 Installing device class: "1394Debug" {66f250d6-7801-4a64-b139-eea80a450b24}.

#I141 Class install completed with no errors.

[2002/01/01 00:55:10 284.19]

#-199 Executing "C:\WINDOWS\system32\setup.exe" with command line: setup -newsetup

#I140 Installing device class: "61883" {7EBEFBC0-3200-11d2-B4C2-00A0C9697D07}.

#I141 Class install completed with no errors.

[2002/01/01 00:55:10 284.20]

#-199 Executing "C:\WINDOWS\system32\setup.exe" with command line: setup -newsetup

#I140 Installing device class: "Avc" {C06FF265-AE09-48f0-812C-16753D7CBA83}.

#I141 Class install completed with no errors.

[2002/01/01 00:55:10 284.21]

#-199 Executing "C:\WINDOWS\system32\setup.exe" with command line: setup -newsetup

#I140 Installing device class: "Battery" {72631e54-78a4-11d0-bcf7-00aa00b7b32a}.

#I141 Class install completed with no errors.

[2002/01/01 00:55:11 284.23]

#-199 Executing "C:\WINDOWS\system32\setup.exe" with command line: setup -newsetup

#I140 Installing device class: "CDROM" {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.

#I141 Class install completed with no errors.

[2002/01/01 00:55:11 284.25]

#-199 Executing "C:\WINDOWS\system32\setup.exe" with command line: setup -newsetup

#I140 Installing device class: "Processor" {50127DC3-0F36-415e-A6CC-4CB3BE910B65}.

#I141 Class install completed with no errors.

[2002/01/01 00:55:11 284.26]

#-199 Executing "C:\WINDOWS\system32\setup.exe" with command line: setup -newsetup

#I140 Installing device class: "Enum1394" {C459DF55-DB08-11d1-B009-00A0C9081FF6}.

#I141 Class install completed with no errors.

[2002/01/01 00:55:11 284.27]

#-199 Executing "C:\WINDOWS\system32\setup.exe" with command line: setup -newsetup

#I140 Installing device class: "MTD" {4D36E970-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.

#I141 Class install completed with no errors.

[2002/01/01 00:55:11 284.28]




#-166 Device install function: DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV.

#W059 Selecting best compatible driver failed. Error 0xe0000228: There are no compatible drivers for this device.

#W157 Default installer failed. Error 0xe0000228: There are no compatible drivers for this device.

#-166 Device install function: DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV.

#W059 Selecting best compatible driver failed. Error 0xe0000228: There are no compatible drivers for this device.

#W157 Default installer failed. Error 0xe0000228: There are no compatible drivers for this device.


驅動不對 -mc3361- 給 mc3361 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/20/2012 postreply 21:27:44

原盤驅動,裝載幾次不成功,with problems~! -弓尒- 給 弓尒 發送悄悄話 弓尒 的博客首頁 (163 bytes) () 04/20/2012 postreply 21:50:43
