I have two phones with PPC, phone A & phone B. Phone A has 1200 minute talk & text, which expires today and with no balance. Phone B has the standard plan, with $210 balance. I want to keep the number from phone A and move all the balance from phone B. I don't care about phone B's number, I just want the balance.
So I called PPC today and switched the numbers. Now phone A with number B, and phone B with number A. Then I tried to port in the number A back to phone A, which they said it cannot be done, because both phones are with PPC. It cannot be possible to transfer money between numbers. What he meant was that even if I port out a number to another carrier such as T-mobile prepaid and port back in, I will still loose all the balance. Is that true?
Page Plue Cellular phone number swap
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08/07/2011 postreply