回複:請教Setup Linux Server的一些細節

來源: flauto 2011-06-04 17:28:14 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (586 bytes)

For enterprise, you should go with centos or fedora. I have been using fedora and centos for over 5 years by now after going through Mandriva, OpenSuse, and slackware. If you don't need fancy graphical interface, I think centos is the one you should use. I build pretty much everything on my server and I can tell you that centos is very stable. There are wikis you can follow by google perfect centos 5.6. It is for setting up ISPConfig but it has mysql included.


If you need more info. you can leave your phone number and I can call you when I have time.



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