1。 我以前在網上買的電話卡沒用完,用該dial local access #, 然後dial中國電話好
但用這個OBi110 + regular phone, 我直接dial 電話卡指定的local access #, 然後dial中國電話,自動錄音說,it is for domestic call only 。
我dial my GV and press 2, and dial 電話卡指定的local access #, 然後dial中國電話,聽到的是斷音。無法接通。
2。 OBiTalk account 裏, 我 Voice Services 2, 加的是VoipDiscount, configure如下:
Configuration Name:(any of my favorite name)
Make This the Primary Line to Call Out: (checked)
7-Digit Dialing for USA & CAN: (leave empty)
Service Provider Proxy Server: sip.voipdiscount.com
Service Provider Proxy Server Port: 5060 (default)
Outbound Proxy Server: (leave empty)
Outbound Proxy Server Port: 5060 (default)
user name:(same as my VoipDiscount)
Password:(same as my VoipDiscount)
URI: sip.voipdiscount.com
得到的結果是,Voice Services 2 registered, but no connected
3。我究竟怎樣用VoipDiscount打國際長途?用那個OBi110 和家裏的regular電話打,怎麽撥號才能走到第二條service線路上?
敬請大俠指點迷津, 俺這裏鞠躬致謝,一鞠躬!二鞠躬!三鞠躬!