
回答: 我的CiscoSPA2102是不是已經報銷了?sillywoman2011-01-20 09:54:58

what you need to do is to reset your ata by dialing ****, when you hear prompt, dial 73738# and 1 to confirm. after that, you will be able to login to your adatper by using the dafault ip through the lan port(not wan). when you setup bridged mode, you need to set up the ata to have a static ip address first before you do anything else. this is to make sure that you can log back in the ata later. for one way voice traffic, you have a router on providing nat on your network so you need to make sure that you need to set natmapping and nat keep avlive to yes uder your line config. If you still have problems, call me at 2062036760 ext 2620. I will walk you through.

