Prepaid Verizon phones are now completely banned and are no longer an option, new or used as of late January 2010. Grandfathered phones still active will be allowed to remain on Page Plus but ANY changes in plan status (swapping esns to another phone that isn't banned, switching plans to another type) will automatically be a one way ticket to the ban list.
Also I contacted Verizon then confirmed by them:
"Therefore, you maybe able to utilize your old Verizon Wireless handset with a new mobile number and account. If you are not able to activate your handset with Page Plus, then you can always activate your account with a new mobile number with our prepaid service"
1. 所有的verizon prepaid手機現在都不能轉到page plus.
2. 舊的verizon postpaid手機一旦進入verizon prepaid計劃(包括swap esn進去的)都將進入到verizon的黑名單,不能再轉pageplus.