create a new dial plan and set it as 'Out Dial Plan' on your sipsorcery user. Example of dial plan that uses gv for us calls (calls starting with 1), nonoh for china (calls start with 01186)(nonoh is defined as a sip provider on sipsorcery). Watch the console to see the flow of execution and correct errors. HTH,
case req.URI.User
when /^1d{10}$/ then
sys.Log("calling USA #{req.URI.User}");
when /^01186d{8,12}/ then
sys.Log("calling international #{req.URI.User}");
sys.Log("unrecognized number #{req.URI.User}");
See inside
• should be - when /^1\d{10}$/ and when /^01186\d{8,12}/ -沙漠荒野- ♀ (26 bytes) () 07/12/2010 postreply 14:32:06
• Thank you so much, more questions.... 回複:See inside -Rosefit- ♀ (2217 bytes) () 07/12/2010 postreply 15:27:07
• it may be something like this -沙漠荒野- ♀ (994 bytes) () 07/12/2010 postreply 19:20:11
• Thank you so much, I will try.. 回複:it may be something like thi -Rosefit- ♀ (265 bytes) () 07/13/2010 postreply 09:05:38