Chinese TD-SCDMA is 3G, TD-LTE is 4G

QCOM will get beaten more and more: everybody hates him! Sure, its chipset sells, but no more CDMA please ... oh well.

TD-SCDMA is Chinese flavor of 3G. Hence TD-LTE seems to be Chinese born standard. However, it should be called TDD-LTE: the way to do Time Domain Division is better than FDD. That is why many companies are moving towards it.

LTE is based on GSM or GPRS or whatever, Long Term Evolution, was not supposed to be the 4G. But it is forming. It is better than WiMAX.

QCOM may make some chipsets, but the higher level is done by Huawei, E///, ALU etc.


一派胡言。LTE仍然由高通牽頭。 -股神- 給 股神 發送悄悄話 (31 bytes) () 06/18/2010 postreply 13:40:40
