回複:What's the problem?!

來源: samkee007 2004-02-03 23:23:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (324 bytes)
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回答: 俺覺得對同誌還是要以說服教育為主cybersmile2004-02-03 14:47:00
Why all you guys making such a big fuss out of this? Just like Ding Dong said SS does help people here.You don't like what he posts,don't click on it then!There's still a lot of people can't afford to buy "TRUE" software.SS can be considered as a resources for them.I don't see anything wrong for him to post his link here.



The problem isn't he sells SW; -Read_Again- 給 Read_Again 發送悄悄話 (53 bytes) () 02/04/2004 postreply 08:00:00



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