my router from motorola opens port 6801 only to the application net2phone, and cannot be reset. so that I have to unable the DHCP client inside the cable modem router, and add a full functional new router to the cable modem.
unselect NAT enable, put the MAC address of next router into the NAT passthrough, select the bypass firewall, then update.
my second router is linsys router WRT54G-TM. you can set up the application port as following
net2phone start 5060, end 5061, protocal: both, address: (your ATA's address like
another2pap start 5060, end 5061, protocal: both, address: (your ATA's address like
enable:deselect (because one is enough for me)
phone2pap start:10384 end:10482 protocal:TCP, address:(your ata's address) enable:select
update then you can work on your ATA
應該是router 的問題,我的是 motorola 的 router
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12/25/2009 postreply