I got ATA from Ebay which actually come from China. The first one only works for hours and died. The seller is located in Beijing and sent me a new one after he received my return ($12 for shipping back to Beijing).
I got new one today and everything set up is fine, except CID set up. The VD softphone cannot delivery verify call to my cell phone. it's freezing when I click the button.
incoming call; GV->Gimzo5
Outcoming call; VD
I appreciate any help and feedback
Many Thanks
回複:Set up CID from VD
try to unhook your ATA and then verify your cell-phone with soft
(129 bytes)
10/28/2009 postreply
回複:try to unhook your ATA and then verify your cell-phone with s
(298 bytes)
10/29/2009 postreply
try set the "keep register alive" 60 instead of 3600
(72 bytes)
10/29/2009 postreply
回複:try set the "keep register alive" 60 instead of 3600
(186 bytes)
10/29/2009 postreply