only in one case

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you can recover it:
1. Your outlook connects to an exchange server (mails are stored on the server)


2. Any of following is true:

2.1 your email admin has set a "deleted item retention time" on the exchange server's information store, and this retention time has not yet expired since you deleted the mail from "deleted item" folder.
2.2 your email admin does a brick level backup at mailbox level for your mailbox, and the backup has been run between the times the mail arrived and deleted.
2.3 your email admin does not do a brick level backup but he does an entire IS backup, and the backup has been run between the times the mail arrived and deleted, and you are the company CEO.

if 2.1, easy. highlight "deleted items" folder. from "tools" menu choose "recover deleted items"

if 2.2, relatively easy if your email admin is friendly. ask him to restore your mailbox.

if 2.3, hard and this would piss off all other users on the server. ask email admin to retore the IS, or you will fire him.



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