
我在日本買的Toshiba Notebook筆記本電腦,最近因為係統問題,重新安裝了英文版Windows XP 2003. 由於日文鍵盤和英文鍵盤的差異,有幾個鍵符號不對應,於是我從控製麵板的鍵盤選項裏改成Japanese PS/2 Keyboard (106/109 Key)(根據http://www.daydream.org.uk/meng/jpkbnt4/裏提示的方法)具體見如下:

Installing Japanese Keyboards on Windows XP
These instructions have been very kindly provided by Thom W Rawson. Thanks Thom!

This assumes you are using a PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse. Other types will have to make a different selection from the list of standard keyboards.

Go to Control Panel->Printers and Other Hardware->Keyboards
Click on the "Hardware" tab and the keyboard connected to the system will show.
Click on the "Properties" button and another window displays the keyboard properties
Click on the "Driver" tab
Click on the "Update Driver" button on the Driver screen
The "Update Driver Wizard" will run.
Click the "Install From a Specific Location" button (NOT AUTOMATIC) and the "Next" button.
Click the "Don't seach. I will choose the driver to install" option and the "Next" button.
On the next screen, uncheck the "Show compatible hardware" checkbox and choose the Japanese PS/2 Keyboard (106/109 Key) from the list of "(Standard keyboards)".
Ignore warnings and reboot.

重新啟動電腦後,結果效果沒有變,想@,[, ] 等符號鍵盤還是跟日文鍵盤實際顯示的不一致,於是我便卸載了這個剛剛安裝的日文鍵盤,再想重新安裝英文鍵盤,結果安裝總是顯示有問題,現在我的筆記本電腦鍵盤完全不工作,一點反應都沒有(本帖子是從辦公室電腦寫的),所以請教各位朋友,幫我一招解決這個問題的辦法?

(不想在重新安裝機器了,因為很多軟件包括Windows XP本事剛剛安裝,自動更新,重來一遍太費時間了)

