my English is poor yet don't know how to type Chinese and don't know pinyi, that is why i brought a Chinese Writing pad, after I plug in and instore drive, i can see the icon on desktop when i start up the computer, but can't writing any word doc or do anything, (i can draw lines on the monitor screen,) any one can advice what is the problem i have here? (my os is vista ultima 32bit and product said compatible )---thanks advance!!!
my computer don't recongize my writing pad
• 什麽牌子的 writing pad,有漢字識別軟件嗎? -525plus- ♂ (83 bytes) () 10/01/2008 postreply 22:30:29
• 回複:什麽牌子的 writing pad,有漢字識別軟件嗎? -finalfantaszzz- ♀ (185 bytes) () 10/02/2008 postreply 20:35:40
• recognize 漢字不是顯示漢字,而是識別你手寫的漢字 -525plus- ♂ (99 bytes) () 10/03/2008 postreply 22:37:39