Weird CDROM problem. Any clue?

來源: Submariner 2004-01-12 13:17:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (872 bytes)
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I have an old generic 48x CD-ROM drive. It was working well on my old PC, which I retired recently. My new PC has a CD-RW, so naturally it would be more convenient 2 burn CDs if I could put the old drive into the new machine. It seemed to have worked, only the old drive wouldn't eject the tray without a CD in it. I tried to do it from Windows and pressing the Eject button on the drive, but either way the light on the drive would come on and I could hear the mechanics clicking, trying to eject the tray, but all went quiet a few seconds later and the light would go off. I had to flip open the front-flap and use a straightened paper clip to poke the little hole on the front. Even that wouldn't work most of the time. And then, the tray sometimes would pop out. If I put a CD in it, it would work fine from then on. What could be the problem? Please advise!



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