
請教: Dell Inspiron 8200 筆記本電腦不能啟動,症狀是: 屏幕全黑並顯示如下信息:

Memory write/read failure at 0FF0014, read F710FF10 expecting FF10FF10
Memory address line failure at 0FFF0000, read FF10FF10 expecting 00000000
Strike the F1 key to continue, F2 to run the setup utility

我按下F1鍵後, 屏幕仍是黑的,但顯示:

Windows could not start becasue the following file is missing or corrupt:
我試著用CD啟動盤啟動, 但 the computer 'Can not load sysseupt.xxx file from CD and the error code is 7.'
請教電腦高手我該如何做. 是否要買新的內存更換.不勝感激!!
