The meaning of "Home Server" is too broad

Just give you some ideas what you can do in a home network.

1. DNS server, if you have your own domain;
2. Mail server, if you have your own doamin and would like to manage your emails by yourself;
3. Print server, to share the printer better;
4. Router, to have better control of the traffic in your home network and to avoid frequent disconnections in a regular router;
5. Proxy server, to share the internet and for security
6. Domain Controller, to apply group policies on the PCs in the domain;
7. Data server, to save your data, video, music and porn pictures (^_^))in a centralized place and encrypt them in one place if needed;
8. Web server, you know what it is;
9. Connection server, to allow secure connection from outside, VPN/sshd/...
10. All after all, to make yourself a little busy and to have a little fun.

