CR 不難,但數據整合去支持CR 或其他BI 不易,工作穩定

來源: DBDB 2004-01-02 07:55:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1160 bytes)
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Any report tool are similar simple, they are just for fianl display.

The diffuclt task is to provide good data for those reports. These are in the categoty of Data warehousing, data mart, BI, even data minig .....

Just becasue the report writer support normal production, rather rhan developement, the jobs are stable as the business goes.

The hourly pay (to person) around $35 through $250 depends your real skill on data processing, not end reports. In most cases, I charge my clients by case rather than by hour. I feel it is fear to both. The rate is same applied to cases from China.

Any report will directly related to business decision,
your clients will depend on you if you have good skills
in but tech (really can do) and personal (never expect free lunch).

As for how to master the data warehousing issue, I think any one who can understand Chinese history, who can do it.

司馬遷:史記,最好的data warehousing 範例;
司馬光:資治通鑒, 最成功的基於data warehousing的DSS;

如果朋友愛讀兵書,孫子兵法等是極好的data mining 實例。





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