Not only chinese did this.

Did you guys check every store,the return depertment,most time are white people,what's that mean?

By the way,where you from? Taiwan? Hongkong? or....
what's wrong with Chinese? or you have some problem with Chinese? You live in a FREE country, you have right to choose not use Chinese productions,and also you can choose keep all the Chinese out of your face.
Remenber.return policy is the basic right protected buy laws for every consumers in US.Every one,include retailer,have to follow it for no reason, and also,return policy is one important for creditable retailer rating.Why don't we use it?
Here is a story:Many years ago, an old white lady hired a Chinese student to help her paint her fence,she already got paint from some store,but,that paint stay in her home at least 8 years,apparently,the paint cannot use,overdue.but that old white lady just return the paint for the label didn't mention if you don't use this paint,it will be bad to unusable.How about this?
