It sounds like u r only talking about single server/wst

virtualization. Then you have the option to allocate as many resources as you wish to a particular guess O.S. These days you would be hyped about the idea of having a virtuallized infrastructure where dynamic load-balancing would take care of those resource-demanding applications from a pool of resources. Say for instance 30GHz of processing power being 10x 3Ghz CPUs, 160GB of RAM being 10x 16GB RAM/server and 20TB of HDD space being 10x 2TB Storage/server. Plus SANs with Fibre Channel or 10Gbit Ethernet iSCSI. The real contender in this area that I can is only XenSource (acquired by Citrix) or Novell (free Xen virtualizaiton comes with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server) which emphasises Para-Vituralization. Just a quick definition on that, in Para-Vituralization the OSs know that they have been virtualized so they will work differently/faster. Again, I genuinely believe VMWare is still the winner and will remain the winner for a lot time to come.


You are right! -π- 給 π 發送悄悄話 (509 bytes) () 10/05/2007 postreply 05:50:40
