回複:有關vista的一點點思索。Can't agree all.

As for the security control, one need to propergate the use of "ghost" and get familiar with DOS operation. That should be the basic knowledge for all gamers, if they really think they are "good" at "games".

The way of destorying virus besides normal methods is to 'ghost' back system every one or two month. That will make machine run faster, get restart from a blank system, and save bunch of time.

The problem of M$ is it always regards people with minimum knowledge. I can't blame it on it because the consequence of popular PC in homes. However, for the ultimate version who should be professional to use, M$ should allow everything, even if it is prone to attack. After all, pros will not be pro, if he can't bear attacks! A 2 years old can prevent any attack from happening: just pull the plug!
