回複:Who knows what's .VCF,

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What is a VCF file and how does Fly! v1.x and Fly!2k use it?

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A VCF file is simply a text file that stores graphic settings and identification information for specific video cards. Fly! uses these files to determine what video cards support which features in an easily modifiable manner. For instance, if you click on the Options - Graphics menu in Fly!, you will see a dialog that lists some VCF files that are compatible with your card (in the "Video Card" dropdown list).

Within VCF files are settings that allow Fly! to recognize your specific video card. It also contains lines that enable you to customize how much memory your video card uses for things like ground scenery, aircraft, etc. It can also allow you to enable higher detailed visuals in Fly! if your card supports it.

It is very easy to create and/or modify your own VCF files because, as stated, they are simple text files. However, be aware that the layout has to be in a specific order and format. For more information on what each line in a VCF file does and exactly how a VCF file should be formatted, please see Appendix A - What are all the settings in a VCF file and what do they do?.

check this link: http://saltydogfly2.avsim.net/vcf/part02.htm
