1. Buy a Vonage Voip Adapter - Linksys PAP2 V2.0. Now CircuitCity have it $59.99 with $30.00 rebate. Sometimes it is FREE.
2. Using "CYT 3.5" unlock it (http://www.bargainshare.com/index.php?showtopic=87504)
3. Apply a VOIP account at http://www.voipstunt.com, it call US, Canada, Hong Kong, Taiwan FREE, call China $0.006/min.
4. Apply a phone number from http://www.stanaphone.com. It receive free call.
5. 輸入 voipstunt 帳號到解鎖後的PAP2 Line 1, 輸入 stanaphone 帳號到 Line 2. 將 stanaphone ID 也輸入到Line 1 的 Call ID Number 攔,將電話插在Line 1上,試試... 哇!
6. 免費時買它幾個帶回國內家裏,用同一 voipstunt 帳號,不同的 stanaphone 號碼,你打電話給他們是打美國免費電話(stanaphone), 他們打電話給你也是打美國免費電話(voipstunt call US FREE)。
用voipstunt call out, stanaphone receive call
for geeks only
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01/04/2007 postreply