Computer Science is always like a servant, and just help others creation/invention. Nothing about its own.
It applies algorithms from Mathmaticans, use chips defined by physical scintest produce by Electrical Engineers, driven by MBAs, express visuals that never can come out of their binary brain, boom the sound that don't even know the note and score.
If Computer Science did create something, they create bugs, holes, panic, and chaos. If computer science did impact everyone's life, all they do is just force you to remember bunch of nonsense words, they call it passive word, or in short password.
So stay away from computer science, and stay away from my advice. Because, I am one of them.
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12/21/2006 postreply
老外的一番話is right. No matter what you choose,
(175 bytes)
12/22/2006 postreply