Good job!

來源: ohlalala 2006-12-21 05:00:21 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (688 bytes)
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20,000+ drivers, regardless if you need them or not, are included by default. 50 million lines of code for a basic OS. If you include anti-virus, MS Windows defender, Office, .net IDE and other useful software, this becomes a heavy monster (already is). Take the quality of Windows code away, it's also possible that it's done on purpose. Windows is used to drive the hardware market. If Windows demands more resources, meaning more CPU power, more RAM and more storage, customers have to buy more from the hardware vendors unless they turn to other Operation Systems. On the other hand, Windows is preloaded in each newly sold PC, you are forced to buy Windows whenever you buy a PC.


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