what have you done since last night?
• same question. -yahoobb- ♀ (0 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 19:25:27
• i couldn't find hdclient on the SUSE installation CD -dagger- ♀ (0 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 19:35:14
• http://www.novell.com/products/linuxpackages/suselinux/dhcp-clie -yahoobb- ♀ (0 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 19:40:08
• 見內 -yahoobb- ♀ (71 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 19:40:37
• Thank you~~ -dagger- ♀ (0 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 19:48:43
• 謝謝所有幫了你的人才對。 -yahoobb- ♀ (0 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 19:52:23
• 不過下回這種東西應該自己去google。 -yahoobb- ♀ (0 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 19:56:01
• 是啊是啊。不過在安裝盤裏沒有hdclient,倒是有 -dagger- ♀ (0 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 19:58:52
• 你昨天講的dhcpcd, 也已經安裝了 -dagger- ♀ (10 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 20:01:52
• man dhcpcd -yahoobb- ♀ (11 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 20:17:25
• command not found -dagger- ♀ (81 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 20:40:33
• dhclient和dhcpcd需要管理員權限才能執行。 -yahoobb- ♀ (0 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 21:16:06
• 你倆慢慢玩吧 -ohlalala- ♀ (0 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 20:51:26
• nite nite -dagger- ♀ (0 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 21:01:06
• I just disabled eth0 and enabled eth1, and make sure -dagger- ♀ (47 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 19:32:22
• is it working now? -ohlalala- ♀ (0 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 19:58:50
• not yet :( -dagger- ♀ (0 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 20:02:23
• do thesec -ohlalala- ♀ (116 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 20:08:09
• 但是router不是裝在我的電腦上啊 -dagger- ♀ (0 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 20:14:41
• any pc connected to the router? -ohlalala- ♀ (32 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 20:16:34
• what about 2 & 3? -ohlalala- ♀ (0 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 20:20:12
• after I did 2 & 3: -dagger- ♀ (89 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 20:38:43
• sigh... -ohlalala- ♀ (179 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 20:45:20
• i did so, and the output is only one line: -dagger- ♀ (54 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 21:00:43
• confused... -ohlalala- ♀ (251 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 21:55:43
• 我執行lsmod也沒結果,但網卡工作正常。 -yahoobb- ♀ (26 bytes) () 11/13/2006 postreply 22:50:00
• "lsmod | grep ipw" or "lsmod"? -ohlalala- ♀ (277 bytes) () 11/14/2006 postreply 04:19:57
• 前者。dmesg中有ath的相關部分,但既然lsmod的結果 -yahoobb- ♀ (45 bytes) () 11/14/2006 postreply 10:23:08
• ipw2200 & 3495 是用於intel pro/wireless card -ohlalala- ♀ (90 bytes) () 11/14/2006 postreply 11:37:17