NI LicenseManager Detected(ZT)

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NI License Manager Detected by Firewall:

Product Group: License Management

Product Name: License Management

Version/Revision: 1.0

Problem: My personal firewall software keeps detecting that the NI License Manager server (lmgrd.exe and nilm.exe) needs internet access. Why does the License Manager need this access?

Solution: If you want to use National Instruments applications or software features that require licensing, such as remote front panels in LabVIEW, the license server must be running because those features are explicitly licensed through the NI License Manager.

If you also run personal firewall software on your computer, you must configure the firewall so the programs nilm.exe, lmgrd.exe, lmdown.exe, and lmreread.exe can have access to TCP/IP. These programs do not communicate across the network; they only communicate with each other within the scope of your local computer.

If you do not use any National Instruments applications or software features that require licensing, you can stop the License Manager from loading when you start your computer. Refer to KnowledgeBase 2I7AAM2L in the Related Links section for more information.

Related Links:
KnowledgeBase 2I7AAM2L: How Do I Stop the NI License Manager from Loading at Startup?

Fixed Version:

Report Date: 02/08/2002

Last Updated: 05/01/2003

Document ID: 2I7ACJ2L



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