After you use your laptop a few times, you may want to do some cleanup. Look at those fingerprints! Yikes! If only your mother could see . . . !
Laptops are really robust beasts. They can go through a lot without needing a cleaning. But when your mind does turn to it, remember these tips:
You probably want to turn off the laptop before you start cleaning it.
You need a sponge or lint-free cloth as your cleaning tool.
You can use isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol as a good cleansing agent.
If your laptop manufacturer has any specific cleaning instructions, directions, or warnings, please refer to them first.
Cleaning the case
You can best give your laptop case a bath with a damp sponge. You can use standard dishwashing liquid, mixing it at about 1 part detergent to 5 parts water. Soak the sponge into the mixture and then wring it clean. Use the sponge to gently wipe the laptop's case.
When you're done with the sponge, wipe off any excess moisture or dust by using a lint-free cloth. Also, take these case-cleaning tips into consideration:
Make sure that the sponge is dry enough that it doesn't drip liquid into the laptop.
You may also want to use cotton swabs to clean some of the gunk from the cracks.
Don't clean inside any disk openings or the PC Card slots. Never spray any liquids into those openings, either.
Avoid using detergent that contains strong chemicals (acid or alkaline). Don't use abrasive powders.
Cleaning the keyboard
Every so often, you may want to vacuum your laptop keyboard. You can use the little portable vacuums, either with the tiny (toothbrush-sized) brush or the upholstery cleaning attachment. This approach effectively sucks up all the crud in the keyboard.
Some people prefer to clean the keyboard by using a can of compressed air. You may want to avoid this cleaning procedure because the air can blow the crud in your keyboard further inside the laptop. Instead, use a vacuum.
Remember that it's best to have the computer turned off when you get to vacuuming!
To clean the tops of the keys, use isopropyl alcohol. Soak it up into a soft, dust-free cloth or use a cotton swab, and gently rub the key tops. Try not to drip any alcohol inside the keyboard.
Never use a spray cleaner directly on the keyboard.
Cleaning the screen
The techniques for cleaning an LCD screen, be it for a desktop or laptop computer, are filled with controversy! Generally, no one recommends using any liquids because liquids can damage the LCD's delicate surface. Even so, you have to have something to rub with if you ever plan on getting that sneeze residue off the thing!
Follow these steps to safely clean your laptop screen:
1. Wipe the dust off the monitor with a soft, lint-free cloth.
2. Dampen a sponge or lint-free cloth with water.
Be sure to wring out all the excess moisture.
3. Rub the screen's surface gently.
Don't get any excess liquid on or inside the monitor.
4. Let the monitor dry completely before closing the lid!
Often times, the keyboard creates "stains" on the screen. You can't easily avoid this problem, and you can have a really hard time cleaning these stains off. To help prevent the stains, consider storing the soft lint-free cloth that you use to clean the monitor inside the laptop, between the keyboard and screen.
Office supply stores carry special LCD screen cleaners, as well as the lint-free wipes that you can use to clean your screen and the rest of your laptop.
Avoid using alcohol or ammonia-based cleaners on your laptop screen! These cleaners can damage the LCD screen. And never squirt any cleaner directly on a laptop's screen.
How to clean your Laptop (ZT)
I don't come here often but I see you here all the time
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05/31/2006 postreply
Thank you, 雲班竹!
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05/31/2006 postreply
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05/31/2006 postreply
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06/01/2006 postreply
好說好說~~ 歡迎各位有空都去down 幾部片子
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06/01/2006 postreply
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06/01/2006 postreply