I didn't talk anything else

本文內容已被 [ netter ] 在 2004-02-06 15:24:48 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

I just wanted to say:

1. you said Ulead could not:

2. Just wanted to say why SVCD could be better and why the size becomes problem:
如果想提高畫麵質量,可以選用SVCD(EO VIDEO也有轉化SVCD的功能)。隻有一個缺點,就是一張光盤能刻一個多小時的普通VCD,但是隻能刻半個多小時的SVCD。SVCD我試過,圖像很好.

SVCD vs VCD, the resolution gets bigger, but still is less than DVD or Mpeg2.

The resolution is not only one factor in the format specification, if you look at the details of one format, it is so easy to see there are a lot of specifications, I didn't have time to type anything else yesterday. e.g. mpeg2 and DVD have the same resolution, but anything else in the specification is different, even audio parts.
