In Access, the DMax function returns the maximum value in a specified set of records (or domain).
The syntax for the DMax function is:
DMax ( expression, domain, [criteria] )
expression is the field that you wish to find the maximum value for.
domain is the set of records. This can be a table or a query name.
criteria is optional. It is the WHERE clause to apply to the domain.
For example:
Let's take a look at a simple example:
DMax("UnitPrice", "Order Details", "OrderID = 10248")
In this example, you would return the maximum UnitPrice from the Order Details table where the OrderID is 10248. This is the same as the following SQL statement:
SELECT Max([Order Details].UnitPrice) AS MaxOfUnitPrice
FROM [Order Details]
WHERE ((([Order Details].OrderID)=10248));