回複:install 2 Oracle instances

來源: DBDB 2003-11-26 09:04:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (576 bytes)
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回答: Install 2 Oracle instancesDBDB2003-11-26 06:15:00
2 instances with SAME name, it means you will 2 same instance name in memory to run. You can image what kind conflicts are waiting for you.

I suggest you create 2 different instance names, then create 2 same-named schemas under each instance. Then reconfigure your oracle connection file for them.

Client will connect to same schema name but should not
see too much differences. Just becareful, neither same schema names nor same instance names will have more trouble on management side.

If any possible, try use another solution instead this way.



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