I don't quite get what the artical is about.

來源: ZoyaWashington 2013-12-11 16:33:30 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1021 bytes)
There are two different tracks,  scientist or administrator, at that level. It looks like both 饒毅 and 施一公 opted to be administrators. That article didn't talk much about what 饒毅 did successfully as an administrator, other then created a class called BIO2000, a seminar type of class taught by 20+ top scientists invited overseas. Consider the  cost and the nature of the class, it is hardly an accomplishment by any standard. The tune of the article is pretty self-centered, now they finally fulfilled their dreams and become big bosses. There is not much about what they envision for the 2 major instate they are running. It gives me the feeling neither knows how to transition from scientist to administrator. 


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