Look at this one , NewYork Times reports

回答: 人的壽命超紐約????哈哈!真幽默。jamesband0072013-12-10 10:38:50

Where China Outpaces America


Damon Winter/The New York Times

Nicholas D. Kristof

On the Ground

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Here’s a fact about China that you may not know: people in Shanghai today have a longer life expectancy than Americans.

A child in Shanghai is expected to live 82 years. In the United States, the figure is not quite 79 years. (For all of China, including rural areas, life expectancy is lower, 73 years — but rising steadily.)


biased sample to start with. -ManOfHonor- 給 ManOfHonor 發送悄悄話 (145 bytes) () 12/10/2013 postreply 11:37:32
