To answer the final summons,Assume room temperature,At peace,To die with one's boots on, At rest, To bite the big one, To bite the dust, To blow someone's brains out, Beyond the grave, Beyond the veil,To breathe one's last, To buy the farm, To cash in one's chips, To come to a sticky end, To count worms, To croak, Dead as a dodo, Dead as a doornail, To depart this life, Done for, Drop dead,To go over the Big Ridge,To be fading away, To fall off one's perch, Food for worms, To give up the ghost, To go bung, To go for a Burton, To go home in a box, To go to a better place, To go to a Texas cakewalk, To go to Davy Jones's locker, To go to, or head for, the last roundup, To go the way of all flesh, To go to one's reward, To go to one's watery grave, To go west, To hand in one's dinner pail, To have bought it, To have one foot in the grave, To hop on the last rattler,To hop the twig, One's hour has come,On one's last legs, In Abraham's bosom, To join the great majority, To go out with ones boots on, To go to the big [location] in the sky, To kick the calenda, To kick the bucket,To lose one's life, To make the ultimate sacrifice, To meet one's maker, Off the hooks, Not long for this world, One's number is up, On one's deathbed, To pass away, To pay the ultimate price, To peg out,To pop one's clogs, To push up daisies, To put one to the sword,To ride the pale horse, To send one to eternity or to the Promised Land, To shuffle off this mortal coil,Sleeps with the fishes, To be struck down, Six feet under, To snuff it