"美國人上電視節目展示才華,享受整個娛樂的過程"? really?

回答: 再訪北京forhong2013-09-08 08:09:53

How much trash TV you want to see in USA, Parenting tests to find who is the father of millions babies, then the guy pointed out how many men the mother had slept, Two women fight on stage for a man , using hundreds of F words.

"Cheaters " follows people who cheat. Reality Show people eating insects. and so on.............. These are all "展示才華,享受整個娛樂的過程"?

Then those political analysts argue with each other with the same boring topics over and over again, Yelling at each other loudly!!

Do you think there is not enough trash or you don't really watch TV here in US?
