US Senate passes far-reaching immigration reform bill

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The US Senate has passed a broad immigration reform bill that includes a path to citizenship for an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants.

The 68-32 vote comes after months of debate and a recent deal to boost border security spending significantly.

What's in the Senate immigration bill?


  • Path to citizenship for immigrants who arrived illegally before 31 December 2011


  • Billions in funding for border security, including 20,000 new Border Patrol agents, 700 miles of fencing, unmanned drones and electronic surveillance


  • Requirement that border security and fencing goals be met before undocumented immigrants can become permanent residents


  • A start-up visa for foreign entrepreneurs; new visa programmes for low-skilled workers and the agricultural sector


  • All employers must use E-Verify, a programme to verify electronically each employee's legal status within four years
