
來源: 勿來三 2013-02-19 06:16:25 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (83061 bytes)
回答: 據我所知,喜歡中國人的不多。changfeng062013-02-18 20:42:25




+2350Japan is the Most disgusting country ever... 
They keep denying the history and never regret what they've done... 
There's no future for the country that forgets its history!
+1435What the hell! 
Why are they say that dokdo is theirs land? I'm not understand
+1316They are really suck. They are always lie and dirty.
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2South Korea
+599They always trying to copy other country's culture and claim that is their culture. Many things from china and japan were copied by them. They very easily to get angry. Totally the worst Asian I know after china. I think north Korea is better than them
+494They are really arrogant. They are equal to North Koreans. 
They think that they are number one, while they really are far behind US, Japan and many other countries. 
They educate their children to hate other countries such as Japan, China and US. 
They don't educate their children to understand other nations, but just hate them. They are too stupid to understand their hatred education will undermine their own fundamentals of the nation. 

They severely torture dogs before they eat them because they blindly believe that torturing makes dogs taste better. 

They are number one racist against others except for white people. This is well known to whole world.
+403They easily break rules. 
At the end of the soccer game against Japan in LONDON Olympic 2012, 
a Korean player demonstrated a politic action. They claimed that an island, located in Sea of Japan, belonged to Korea. 
They stole the island from Japan by breaking the international law. 
More than 40 Japanese civilians were murdered by Korean army. 

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3North Korea
+233These people make me sick. Well the gov really. I just feel bad for the people.
+214I hate the government, but not the people. Dictatorship is corrupted. I feel bad for the people who have to live there. They have no knowledge of the outside world.
+171I watched a documentary about north Korea from a man that had escaped from a concentration camp. They jabbed at his testicles with an IRON POKER while hot and killed his MOTHER and BROTHER in FRONT of him. Don't get me started on the famines. 

China or south korea just invade that place solve millions of peoples problems PLEASE. I'M GLAD KIM JONG ILL IS DEAD HOPE THE REST OF THE GOVERNMENT IS NEXT. 

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+559China, is a territorial thief! No wonder why everyone hates china here. Arrogant country! 

+518Only dislike China government, love China people.
+380They think they're the center of the universe, making fake and bad products that cause cancers and other deadly diseases. They don't respect any international law which they signed themselves, invading other Asian countries to earn benefits for themselves
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+276Think that they are the most noble race, and all other race are pigs and allowed to kill. Seriously if you think that they are nice to you, it just fake. They will stab you in the back.
+225Killing innocent people in the name of Judaism. Zionism is a disease that kills thousands of innocent people every few years. Israel is a rogue state with an arrogant population that is being breastfed by the US. Israel is today's equivalent of Nazi Germany.
+217What has been said Israel is a nation that was created to torment the Palestinians for the sins of the Nazis they treat the Palestinians like second class human beings and do not want even to let them separate!
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6United States
+383People hate the U.S. cause we start wars, eat too much food, buy the newest stuff, care for only one religion, etc. We don't care for anybody
+332They love themselves so much that they fail to see reality they are $14 billion in debt but continue to spend more money and oil to get oil from Iraq
+325Not the worst country in the world, but definitely the most hated. Maybe if we started minding our own business people would hate us less. Ron Paul 2012!
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+24I hate the country, but love a lot of the people. Some of my best friends in university were Persians, and they were some of the coolest people around. Iran, the country itself, needs big changes. They need to separate the Islamic religion from their state, and put an end to the killings and human rights violations enforced by their religious doctrine. I don't want to see more people die simply because they are trying to live their life and find their happiness in their own way. Please question "if my god is truly loving, would he really want me to hurt, punish, and violate sinners, or would he want me to learn to forgive, and try to help them? "
+20Once upon a time, it was one of the glorious countries with rich culture and talented, sophisticated people but now all that's remained is nothing but stupid, people who let an incompetent government rule over them and turned them into thief, murderer and superstitious worthless maggots. 
The path they're going leads to their self-destruction
+14I just feel bad for this country.
Their goverment treats it's people like trash and kills innocent people.
The stuff that happens there is horrible...
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+74Most European countries hate Russia, especially those countries that were in the Soviet Union, such as Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Soviets (nowadays Russia) brought a lot of pain to these countries and do not even bother repaying the damage.
+57Even today they don't realize how much pain they created, not only to their neighboring nations, but even more to themselves. Russian communism was one of the worst social experiments in the human history. They destroyed their own culture, religion, intellectuals and replaced it with some surrogate. The consequences are devastating: moral and social degradation, that creates high level of crime, alcoholism, corruption and social indifference. 
+45Nothing really changed there. New cold war is coming soon.
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+22For everyone who is reading this, especially the ones who have read the previous comments regarding Pakistan, kindly read this through instead of skipping it when you read the next few words that are: I am a Pakistani. In my defense for my nation, I would just like to say kindly stop hating US and start hating OUR GOVERNMENT. As previously stated, our country is the hotspot for corruption indeed. What I would say that the politicians here should be assassinated but tortured before. I even agree that in the whole world, Pakistan is the most corrupted country. "Oh sure blame the government" is probably, probably your first thought. And your second one, in this case, is definitely "horrible nation with killing, bloodshed and extremism". But have you ever thought what OUR (the civilians') fault is? Your accusation: Terrorism. Our answer: that is the government's job to take care of it. We can't really get weapons without warrants and if the government would kindly ensure that it is the only way to get weapons and throw anyone in a cell caught selling ANY weapon without a warrant. Second problem: extremism, MY reply: crap. These are just another religion manipulative group of terrorists who want to cause damage. Recently I visited an area in Pakistan; Swat, known for it's "Talibaan" (another terrorist group). A little discussion with the locals and it turns out most of the damage done by military. The "Talibaan" group is simply nothing more than a bullying gang which should be dealt with by the internal government and NOT OTHER COUNTRIES. With all due respect, other countries had been sending drones to destroy terrorists, right? Well how many terrorists have you caught other that Osama Bin Laden the creep? Several families including women and children mostly die and still you blame US for terrorism. We come at airports and are checked so strictly still you feel that we should be hated? We bear your criticism, but still you, considering all that I have read yet, feel no sympathy for us. Even though we are an extremely poor country who suffer a lot because of not only external but also internal reasons such as relief and terrain issues, climatic and natural problems I.E. droughts and severe floods. Sadly terrorism IS the only contribution of Pakistan in the world but then why do you accept it? There are ways in which this "contribution" can be eradicated and they involve talking not sending drones to blow ordinary SUSPECTED SUSPICIOUS houses and families to bits. These ways involve support not declaring an already neglected, poor and confused country hated. Kindly carry on despising Pakistan if you did not understand my message. Because for each and every blame, I can most probably defend and give an answer for it. If any of you ever get a chance to visit Pakistan do see our political system and criticize THAT.
+14I can't believe Pakistan isn't number 1
+11They are a terrorist nation and responsible for so many bad things. They hosted Osama and hosted terrorism against India. Pakistan is a failed state in the modern sense of the word.
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10United Kingdom
+28800 hundred years of oppression from Britain to Ireland, 2 million people died in the Irish famine & 2 million people migrated Ireland's population has still not recovered thanks to British greed. They created the slave trade, they have oppressed more than one country in every continent and have been in more wars than any other nation!
+17The country which destroyed the whole world only for wealth.. Destroyed Indian ancient education system... Just Google Macaulay letter of India.. And

Stole many concepts of other countries like The real inventor of Marconi wireless Was Jagdish Chandra Bose and also the real Inventor of telephone
+14Northern ireland is every as irish as southern ireland, the quicker we have a united ireland the better all northern ireland loyalists, can call themselves british all they want but the fact is their accent is irish and they are born and raised in ireland the british government should stop wasting british tax payers money and let go of northern ireland, the british have lost most of their colonies and their empire is continuing to disappear into history to this day all empires are built and eventually become a thing of the past a united ireland is very much an eventuality



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