在萬wei看到一文,講“據《華爾街日報》周三報道說,新的人口普查數據顯示,2011年,美國有近4%的人口(1,180萬人)移居他國,達2008年經濟衰退以來的最高水平”。覺得有點離譜,查了WSJ,看到原文:About 3.9% of the population, or 11.8 million people, moved to a different county in 2011, new Census figures show. That was the highest level since before the recession。
萬wei 2013-01-10 22:07:24 華爾街日報
法國演員德帕迪約(Gerard Depardieu)為避稅而決定放棄法國國籍,他的這一決定可能對那些適用稅率變得很高的人來說相當有誘惑力。但專家警告說,這種避稅方式通常都是一個複雜而花費不菲的過程。
以國際標準衡量,美國最高一檔所得稅稅率相對較高。從1月1日開始,對於個人應稅所得至少為40萬美元和家庭應稅所得至少為45萬美元的人來說,最高一檔所得稅稅率從35%升至39.6%。大部分國家都比這個稅率要低很多。西歐是個例外。會計師事務所畢馬威(KPMG) 2012年進行的調查顯示,西歐的平均最高檔稅率為46%,是世界上個稅稅率最高的地方。而法國提高最高一檔所得稅稅率的方桉顯然將令西歐的平均最高檔稅率進一步上升。
美國人似乎越來越願意到海外安家。《華爾街日報》周三報道說,新的人口普查數據顯示,2011年,美國有近4%的人口(1,180萬人)移居他國,達2008年經濟衰退以來的最高水平。 (略)
Updated January 9, 2013, 5:09 a.m. ET
Americans Get Moving Amid Torpid Recovery
Americans began striking out for greener pastures at a pace not seen since before the recession crippled job prospects, hobbled home sales and kept many stuck in place.
About 3.9% of the population, or 11.8 million people, moved to a different county in 2011, new Census figures show. That was the highest level since before the recession, and up from 3.5% in 2010 and 2009—the lowest level since the government began the tally in 1948.....
Among the states that gained population in 2011 from domestic moves—rather than from immigration or births—were Florida and Nevada, according to a separate Census survey of moves in and out of states. Both Florida and Nevada are recovering from the housing bust. Oil-boom states like North Dakota also saw gains, Census said. (the rest omitted)