Sandy may decide who is the next president since the math

來源: quantnj 2012-10-27 19:23:15 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (12015 bytes)

doesn't add up.

From national polls, Romney leads Obama around 5% for 10 consecutive days.

From the current battleground polls, Obama will win by landslide: 294 v.s 244.

The person winning the electoral votes normally wins popular votes but could lose popular vote by small margin (less than 0.5%). For example, Gore won popular vote by only 500,000 in 2000.

The direction and magnitude of Sandy could be a determining factor of Nov. 6 result.

Battleground States  Obama Romney
Colorado (9) 9
Florida (29) 29
Iowa (6) 6
Michigan (16) 16
Nevada (6) 6
New Hampshire (4) 4
North Carolina (15) 15
Ohio (18) 18
Pennsylvania (20) 20
Virginia (13) 13
Wisconsin (10) 10
Other States 201 191
Obama v.s. Romney 294 244


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