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    Wall Street Journal

Huawei's Business Grows in Canada

A scathing U.S. congressional report may make it tough for Huawei to win new American business, but it's enjoying a warmer reception in Canada.


TORONTO—A scathing U.S. congressional report may make it more difficult for Huawei Technologies Inc. to win new American business. But just across the border in Canada, the Chinese company is enjoying a much warmer reception.

During a visit to Beijing earlier this year, Prime Minister Stephen Harper presided over an official announcement that Huawei had agreed to help BCE Inc.'s BCE.Bell Canada unit and Telus Corp. T.T update their wireless networks. The two companies are, respectively, Canada's No. 2 and No. 3 carrier by subscriber base.

Earlier this year, Huawei opened a 46,000-square-foot, 300-person Canadian headquarters in Ontario. It has a research and development center in Ottawa and recently received a grant of 6.5 million Canadian dollars (US$6.7 million) from the Ontario government to invest in the center. Huawei says it has "procured" more than $400 million from Canadian companies for local and global operations.

Associated Press

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper played table tennis with students in Guangzhou, China, in February.

"We like to think that we are a success story in the Canada-China relationship," said Scott Bradley, Huawei's vice president for corporate and government affairs in Canada.

The strides Huawei has made in Canada contrast sharply with its setbacks in the U.S. The company is the world's second-largest telecom-equipment maker, behind Sweden's Ericsson. While it has expanded sales in the developing world, Asia and Europe, Huawei has long been stymied by political opposition in the U.S. That intensified sharply Monday after a congressional report warned the company posed national-security risks and may be spying on Americans and violating U.S. laws.

Huawei has denied the allegations, calling the report "little more than an exercise in China bashing."

Still, Huawei's growing Canadian business comes at a time when U.S. intelligence officials have raised concerns in Washington about the ability of Canada to protect itself from cyberattacks and espionage, according to a person familiar with the matter. Parts of some northern U.S. states get water and electricity from Canadian utilities, leading some U.S. officials to worry that an attack could affect this supply, this person said.

"Based on our investigation, Canada is equally at risk," Rep. C.A. "Dutch" Rupper*****erger (D., Md.), one of the congrerssional report's authors, said in an emailed statement. He recommended that the U.S. and Canada share information.

The two nations share the "1" international country code, but their telephone networks aren't otherwise any more interconnected than the U.S. and any other country's network. But some of the carriers working with Huawei have also partnered with the Canadian government, a close U.S. ally. Telus, for example, recently signed a wireless deal with the Canadian military to provide voice and data services.

"There is huge concern among U.S. security analysts and policy makers about the spread of Huawei among allied countries because of the intelligence- and information-traversing networks between these countries," said Dmitri Alperovitch, the co-founder of CrowdStrike, which advises companies and governments about protecting data.

Telus declined comment. The Ontario government didn't respond to requests for comment. A Bell Canada spokeswoman said it "manages security appropriately with all our network suppliers, including Huawei."

Andrew MacDougall, a spokesman for Prime Minister Harper, said Tuesday he wouldn't comment specifically on Huawei, but he noted that Canada's government recently specified that national-security clauses would apply to procurements dealing with email systems, telecommunications networks and data-center systems.

Under these clauses, the Canadian government can discriminate against certain suppliers without violating trade treaties. It took this action based on "grave concerns" about threats to cybersecurity, according to a notice issued to the high-technology community.

Recently, Canada issued a tender, seeking suppliers to help it build a new email system.

"I will leave it to you if you think Huawei should be a part of the Canadian government security system," said Mr. MacDougall. "The government will be choosing carefully on the construction of this email network."

For its part, Huawei said it didn't have enough information to decide whether to bid on the project. "We don't do email systems," added Mr. Bradley, the Huawei vice president.



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