
來源: halfdummy 2012-09-23 10:03:17 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (15326 bytes)

If they are just plain begging, it annoys me... but if they are offering a talent, like playing an instrument, then I give them a little money. There is a partially sighted man near my supermarket who always has a smile on his face and he plays some type of instrument and I'll always give him a couple of yuan.... but those who just plain beg on the subway get nothing from me. It maddens me even more when they take their children with them to beg! There was a woman the other month who used her burnt daughter to walk up and down the subway begging to money... that child should have been in school getting an education so she can get herself a job in the future!

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surely beggars are the leeches of society.

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Let's face it guys, if such a thing happened in any western country, it would be considered appauling, however, now that china has money and can be useful profit-wise for western countries, let's just look the other way...after all they can leave their cages any time they wish...right.

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I've lived in Asia more than 12 years and finally China's true face is being exposed. Lately, Japan has been catching heat from China, Korea, and others about their wartime human rights violations....over 70 years ago. If Hillary Clinton weren't so busy kissing up to China, she might be able to see that her new friend is not all it seems to be!

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The UK should be using this for the "chuggers". I get stopped every Saturday in the same place by the same people. They do not take NO for an answer.

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What a sad world we live in.

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I wish they would do this here.

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Might be a great idea for San Francisco. They can contain their public pooping and peeing then maybe the city will be worth visiting again.The homeless have overrun San Francisco.

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I actually don't see a problem. Beggars can be really intimidating and if you don't give them money, they follow and harass you until you do. And once you give one person money, everyone else wants some too. They're there by choice - they get money, food, water, shelter from the sunlight - so people saying they're treated like animals need to actually think about what they're saying.

Click to rate     Rating   32

Can't wait till the Chinese take-over the world and start running things with Common Sense like this! They don't care about being "politically-correct"!

Click to rate     Rating   26

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2205536/China-rounds-CAGES-beggars---didnt-spoil-view-town-fair.html#ixzz27JUH3lyO
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我也覺得沒什麽問題。他們想離開,可以隨時離開。 -storit- 給 storit 發送悄悄話 (101 bytes) () 09/23/2012 postreply 15:36:50



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