"不信你會不買任何日本的東西" why you can not trust your brothers and sisters.
CAN YOU just change a way to think?
You would like to Apple products instead of buying japanese products.
You can buy Samsun products instead of buying japanese products.
Please open your minds, There are many ways to make chinese living better, make japanese living in hell. First you don't have to fight. Using brain to do and think. Then you start to act.
Why you have to buy Japanese car? You can buy German's car, Korean car, American car, Chinese car, anything you can think of, but not Japanese products.
It's not like past anymore, only Janaese product has its quality. Now, American apple, Korean Samsun, alot of products better than or equal to Japanese products. Plus at least, you can buy chinese products. It's not like past, chinese could not make products you would like to buy. Now chinese can make any kind of products you would like to buy. however, chinese service needs to be improved a lot.
Really hope that Smart Chinese need to start to think with brain and brain instead of heart and heart. get rid of your bad culture and evolve your good culture to a quality level insteadof quantity level.