Based on my experience, win7 phone is not as good as win mobile 6.5
☆ 發自Android 文學城閱覽器 4.0.11
Based on my experience, win7 phone is not as good as win mobile 6.5
☆ 發自Android 文學城閱覽器 4.0.11
But still better than Win phone 7.
(89 bytes)
09/06/2012 postreply
WP7 = iphone1 or 2
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09/06/2012 postreply
That is the problem with WP7: it throw away all the good things
(189 bytes)
09/06/2012 postreply
我真懷疑你是否用過 win mobile
(33 bytes)
09/06/2012 postreply
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